This Filter Makes Regular Glasses Work Like Night Vision Goggles
This Filter Makes Regular Glasses Work Like Night Vision Goggles Scientists have created a new night vision filter that’s changing the game. Unlike bulky night vision goggles, this filter is super light, weighing less than a gram. You can simply attach it to your regular glasses and see in the dark without needing heavy gear. This innovation could make night vision easier and more comfortable for everyone.
Here’s how it works: The filter uses a special technique called “metasurface-based upconversion.” Picture a thin film with tiny bumps and grooves on it. When light hits this film, including invisible infrared light, it gets bounced around and its energy gets boosted. This process changes the light into regular visible light that we can see.
What’s unique about this filter is that it doesn’t need to turn light into electrons first, like traditional night vision technology does. Also, it works at normal room temperature, so there’s no need for bulky cooling equipment.
Initially, scientists used a material called gallium arsenide, but they’ve now switched to a clearer material called lithium niobate. This makes the filter more practical because it’s transparent to the naked eye. They’ve also improved how the light spreads out, which helps keep all the details clear.
In their first tests, the filter successfully turned infrared light (which we can’t see) at 1550 nanometers into visible light at 550 nanometers. This specific conversion was chosen because 1550 nanometers is a common wavelength for infrared light used in things like telecommunications. The 550 nanometer visible light is also within the range that human eyes are most sensitive to in low-light conditions, ensuring clear vision.
This breakthrough could make night vision technology more accessible and user-friendly, paving the way for lighter and more effective ways to see in the dark.