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How much do pharmacy techs make an hour in Florida

Pharmacy technician salary in Florida

In Florida, pharmacy technicians typically earn an average of $18.36 for each hour they work.

How much does a Registered Pharmacy Technician make in Florida?

As of August 24, 2024, in Florida, Registered Pharmacy Technicians make an average of $14.65 per hour.

ZipRecruiter shows that while some pharmacy technicians earn as much as $18.32 per hour, and others earn as little as $9.52 per hour, most earn between $12.74 and $14.38 per hour. This means that most people in this job are paid within this range.

The difference in pay for this job is quite small—about $1.63. This suggests that there aren’t many chances to earn significantly more money or advance in this field, even with more experience.

Currently, there aren’t many job openings for Registered Pharmacy Technicians in Florida, so the job market is not very active.

Florida is ranked 49th out of 50 states when it comes to pay for Registered Pharmacy Technicians.

ZipRecruiter checks millions of job listings to provide the most accurate information about salary ranges for this job.

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Registered Pharmacy Technician Jobs in Florida

We’ve found 10 cities where Registered Pharmacy Technicians earn more than the average salary in Florida. The city with the highest pay is Richmond West, followed by Port St. Lucie and Golden Glades. Richmond West’s pay is 41.9% higher than the Florida average, and Golden Glades pays 35.3% more than the average.

If you’re a Registered Pharmacy Technician, moving to one of these cities could mean higher pay. However, the difference in pay between the highest and lowest of these top 10 cities is not very large—only about 10%. This means that while you might earn more by moving, the pay increase might not be huge.

When deciding where to work, you might also want to think about the cost of living. In some cities, even though the salary is higher, the cost of living might also be higher.

Pharmacy techs make an hour in Florida

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Richmond West$43,236$3,603$831$20.79
Port St. Lucie$41,708$3,475$802$20.05
Golden Glades$41,234$3,436$792$19.82
Coral Springs$40,689$3,390$782$19.56
Daytona Beach$40,249$3,354$774$19.35
Pompano Beach$39,450$3,287$758$18.97
Boynton Beach$39,292$3,274$755$18.89
Miami Gardens$39,000$3,250$750$18.75

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related Registered Pharmacy Technician Jobs in Florida

We’ve found at least five jobs related to being a Registered Pharmacy Technician that pay more than the average salary for this role in Florida. Some examples of these higher-paying jobs include:

  • Non-Retail Pharmacist
  • Remote Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy Technician
  • Clinical Pharmacy Technician

These jobs can earn between $8,174 and $53,463 more per year than the average Registered Pharmacy Technician salary of $30,473. If you have the qualifications, applying for one of these higher-paying positions could help you earn significantly more than a typical Registered Pharmacy Technician job.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Non Retail Pharmacist$83,936$6,994$1,614$40.35
Remote Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy Technician$66,930$5,577$1,287$32.18
Clinical Pharmacy Technician$46,944$3,912$902$22.57
Hospital Pharmacy Technician$40,001$3,333$769$19.23
United Scripts Pharmacy$38,647$3,220$743$18.58

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